Remedies for a Glowing Face : Simple Beauty Tips


Discover effective remedies for a glowing face using natural ingredients like honey, aloe vera, and turmeric to brighten skin, reduce dark spots, and boost hydration. These natural solutions help achieve radiant, healthy skin without harsh chemicals. Identifying your face type is essential for choosing the right remedies, and now we’ll guide you in identifying your skin type for the best results.

Key Features of Different Skin Types

Normal Skin  
  • Balanced sebum production, keeping skin neither too oily nor too dry.
  • Smooth texture with a soft, even complexion.
  • Small, barely visible pores.
  • Minimal blemishes, acne, or sensitivity issues.
  • Healthy, glowing, and radiant appearance.
Oily Skin
  • Overactive sebaceous glands cause a shiny or greasy appearance, especially in the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin).
  • Pores are more visible and may appear enlarged due to excess oil.
  • Frequent acne breakouts, blackheads, and whiteheads are common due to clogged pores.
  • Skin may feel slightly thicker or greasy to the touch.
  • Excess oil helps keep skin lubricated, potentially delaying fine lines and wrinkles.
Dry Skin
  • Often feels tight, especially after cleansing, with flaky or rough patches.
  • Barely visible pores.
  • Lacks a natural glow, sometimes appearing dull or ashy.
  • More sensitive to environmental factors like wind, sun, or cold weather, leading to redness or irritation.
  • Fine lines and wrinkles may be more pronounced due to lack of moisture.
Combination Skin
  • Typically oily in the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin) and normal to dry on the cheeks.
  • Pores may be more visible in the oily areas and less prominent on the drier parts.
  • Often has a shiny T-zone with occasional breakouts in this area.
  • Cheeks may feel normal or dry, sometimes with flaky patches.
  • Requires a skincare routine that balances both dryness and oiliness without over-drying or over-moisturizing.
Sensitive Skin
  • Reacts to products, environmental changes, or internal factors with redness, itching, burning, or dryness.
  • Prone to redness, rashes, and visible capillaries (tiny blood vessels).
  • Often feels thin and delicate, requiring gentle care.
  • More likely to experience allergic reactions or dermatitis from fragrances, dyes, or certain ingredients.
  • Needs hypoallergenic, fragrance-free, and non-irritating products to prevent flare-ups.

How To Determine Your Skin Type

Determining your skin type is essential for finding the best remedies for a glowing face. Whether you have oily, dry, combination, or sensitive skin, understanding your skin type helps you choose the right products and treatments tailored to your needs. Identifying your skin type is key to achieving healthier, more balanced, and radiant skin. Here’s a quick guide to help you accurately determine your skin type.

Step 1: Cleanse Your Face

  • cleansing your face with a mild, non-stripping cleanser. This removes makeup, dirt, and excess oils that could affect the results of your skin type assessment. 
  • Gently pat your face dry with a clean towel.
  • Ensure that no residual moisture or product remains.

Step 2: Give Your Skin Time to Settle

  • After cleansing, allow your skin to rest and return to its natural state without applying any additional products. 
  • This waiting period of about an hour is crucial as it lets your skin normalize and reveals its true characteristics.

Step 3: Assess Your Skin

Take note of how your skin feels and appears during this period.

  1. Normal Skin : Feels balanced and comfortable. Your skin doesn’t feel excessively oily or dry. Even texture with minimal visible pores. No noticeable dry patches or excessive shine.
  2. Oily Skin : Your face feels greasy, particularly in the T-zone area (forehead, nose, and chin).Shiny surface, with enlarged pores that may be more prone to blackheads and acne.
  3. Dry Skin : Feels tight, rough, or flaky. You might notice discomfort or sensitivity. May have visible dry patches or redness. Pores are less noticeable, and the skin may appear dull or flaky.
  4. Combination Skin : Exhibits a mix of both oily and dry areas. Often, the T-zone will be oily, while the cheeks may feel dry or normal. Shiny in the T-zone with dryness or normalcy on other areas. Pores may vary in size depending on the area.
  5. Sensitive Skin : Prone to redness, itching, or burning sensations. Easily reacts to environmental factors or skincare products. May exhibit redness, visible capillaries, or reactions to certain ingredients

Conduct Simple Tests

Blotting Paper Test

  • To determine your skin type, gently press a blotting paper on various areas of your face.
  • If the paper picks up oil from all areas, this indicates oily skin.
  • Conversely, if only the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin) shows oil, it may suggest combination skin.
  • In cases where there is minimal to no oil, you likely have normal or dry skin.

Skin Stretch Test:

  • Another effective method is to gently stretch your skin with your fingers.
  • Should your skin feel tight and uncomfortable, it could mean you have dry skin.
  • On the other hand, if your skin feels supple and flexible, it is likely normal.

Choose your skin type

Normal Skin


Oily Skin

Dry Skin

Combination Skin

Sensitive Skin
